LANCE ALEXANDER stars in the new Netflix series FAMILY REUNION which just hit the screen today! Young and talented, Lance is full of light and spirit which we can’t wait to see on the show! Look out for this up and coming actor as it is just the beginning. Go Lance!!
1. What made you decide to become an actor?
When I watched TV I always pictured myself in that setting. I always felt like I could do that! I have always loved to make people laugh.
When I watched TV I always pictured myself in that setting. I always felt like I could do that! I have always loved to make people laugh.
2. What has your experience on the production of Family Reunion been like?
It has been so much fun. It is never a dull moment. From day one it has always been fun and exciting. I feel like I have made friends for life.
3. Can you share with us some key lessons you feel you have learned in the last few months?
Preparation is key. Every audition/opportunity is important. You never know where it is going to take you. Memorizing lines is not easy. You just need to focus on it and not get caught up in things that distract you.
Preparation is key. Every audition/opportunity is important. You never know where it is going to take you. Memorizing lines is not easy. You just need to focus on it and not get caught up in things that distract you.

4. Tell me about one of your favorite moments on set.
Around Christmas time the cast did a gift exchange. We all had such a great time passing out donuts and holiday treats, celebrating with the cast and crew.
5.What are some of your favorite hobbies?
I play a lot of chess, Fort Night is my thing. I have recently started to take dance and that has been fun!
6. If you could pick any show/movie to play in, what genre would you choose?
I think it would be so great to be cast in an action film! Doing stunts & having things explode around me.
7. What is your dream growing up?
I do plan on continuing acting! College also is a big goal.
I really want to create things. I have recently gotten into coding and I would love to create a game.
By Alexandra Bonnet
Photo Credits: Tijana Vukovic
Your uncle and I are SO VERY PROUD OF YOU. Keep pursuing your dream.