Paige Duddy aka XYLØ has shared ‘Tongue in the Bag’ as the first single from her upcoming EP, ‘The Ganglands of My Heart’.

Duddy opened up about the meaning of the track saying, “Growing up in Los Angeles is not for the faint of heart. You have to learn how to navigate its extremes and excesses. A white knuckle ride which can prove too much for some people. Others never grow up at all…” 

Last year, Duddy parted ways with her label and decided to become an independent artist. She also parted ways with her brother as a collaborator so they could both shine in their own ways. Duddy is excited to emerge as a solo independent artist in 2020. ‘Tongue in the Bag’ is the beginning of a new journey for Duddy. The journey will continue with ‘The Ganglands of My Heart’.

You can stream and download ‘Tongue in the Bag’ now.

By Shannen Tierney