I hope you are sitting for this one guys… Introducing the beautiful and talented Sasha Sloan! Having just released her single “lie”, Sloan sat with us at BELLO to share her story and what has brought to this very moment! Working on a full album, she is excited for her quarantine project to come out! Taking in everything around, the talented singer finds inspiration at every corner. Sasha Sloan brings music that many of us can relate to on some level so stay tuned!

Share with us the story behind your latest single “lie”.”

It’s about a relationship that’s going through a rough patch and instead of acknowledging there’s something wrong you choose to be in complete denial about it.

What do you hope your audience will feel when hearing it?

“Damn, this is sick” lol

You are also working on an upcoming album. How has that process been like?

It’s been interesting! Had to make the whole record in quarantine which I think ended up making it sound more cohesive. It wasn’t exactly the way I had pictured making my debut album but i had to get extra creative doing it all from home which was really fun.

What are some obstacles you faced and how did you overcome them?

I guess the biggest obstacles were not being able to have co writes in person as well not being able to record in a real a studio. At first it took some adjusting but once we got into the flow of things it was smooth sailing.

What inspires you to write?

This is gonna sound corny but pretty much everything. I’m a lyric nerd so I’m always listening for cool titles in conversations, TV, books, etc. I always find ideas when I’m not looking for them.

Growing up, where did you find yourself singing the most?

In the shower lol

Who was/is a strong influence in your life? 

My mom. She’s a total badass. When she was 19 she joined the military and served in the army for 4 years. She raised me while getting a master’s in teaching at the same time. She’s never relied on anyone to take care of her and is one of the most generous people I’ve ever met. Without her I wouldn’t be doing music. She always encouraged me to keep writing and singing. She even bought me a laptop and learned how to use GarageBand so she could teach me how to make my own demos. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her.

If you had to pick one outfit to wear every day for a year, what would It be?

Well, I pretty much do only wear one outfit every day and it’s sweatpants and a John Cena t-shirt.

When you are feeling down, what usually cheers you up?

Tequila, tobacco, Oreos, pizza, and YouTube videos of soldiers coming home.

Ultimate goal in life?

To not die lol but since that seems unavoidable I think just finding what that make me happy and doing that.

By Alexandra Bonnet
Photo Credit: Susanne Kindt