Sam Dezz is a model, influencer, and Tik Tok star who sat down with us at BELLO to discuss his career, who he is, and more. Having moved around a lot in his younger years, he learned to adjust to different environments and had the incredible opportunity to meet a variety of people. Quickly, Sam learned what true friendship meant, and about four years ago, he decided to expand to the web and build his social platform there too. Always having dreamed of becoming an actor, Sam Dezz inspires those around him as he continues to make his way to success!

Tell us more about your background and what makes you, you. 

There’s a whole lot of different things that make me, me. Growing up I moved around a lot. I think this is one of the things that really helped form my personality. I had to learn how to adjust and fit in in different environments, and I’d make a bunch of different friends with different backgrounds. Also, my whole life I played sports. I think this also influenced me, by showing me what true friends are and how to build relationships. I’ve been through a lot of hardships and that’s also changed my perspective on a lot of things and has helped me become who I am. All these things together have shaped who I am as a human and I wouldn’t trade any of it.

When did you start building your online platform? What inspired you to do so? 

I started to build my online platform four years ago, during my freshman year of high school. Honestly, it started as a bet with another girl to see who could grow a platform quicker on Instagram. So I looked through other people’s accounts on the platform. I noticed them posting about their lives and aesthetic pictures, so I did the same thing, but put my own twist on it. My platform kind of just grew from there and I went with it.

Share with us some obstacles you faced and how you overcame them. When faced with adversity, what is the best advice you have ever been given?

I’ve faced a lot of obstacles in my life. One of the most recent ones was both my parents getting cancer. It was a really rough point in my life but they’re both recovered now and life is going really well. When faced with this and other adversity the best piece of advice I’ve been given is to use perspective. Someone always has it worse than you.

What role has sports played in your life? How does it help you in your everyday life?

Sports have played a huge role in my life. It’s always given me something to look forward to. Even at my low points soccer was there for me. It helped me to build friendships and relationships that I still have today. It also helped me to stay in good physical shape and good mental shape. Being around a group of friends that you play sports with is an experience that I hope everyone in their life gets the chance to have.

Explain to us why you want to become an actor. If you could play with any cast, who would you pick and why?

Becoming an actor has always been a dream of mine. Since I was a little kid I used to read books and act out scenes. So I’ve always known I wanted to be an actor. I also think it would be awesome to work with a cast and get to know them like family members. That being said, if I could act with any cast it would have to be The Office. It’s been my favorite show for the longest time and I’ve watched it at least two or three times. I’m not particularly the funniest person but I love the show so much.

Describe to us your fashion style. 

I would say my style is pretty much your average Pinterest/vsco boy. You’ll always catch me wearing white vans, usually with jeans and an oversized hoodie or sweater. I usually wear whatever I’m comfortable in. But depending on the day, sometimes I’ll switch it up and wear some crazy stuff.

Favorite album?

My favorite album has to be rumors by Fleetwood Mac. Especially the song dreams in this album, it’s an overall wonderful song. In all honesty, I really love all music, but something about that older music hits different. Also, I love any kind of alternative music.

What does 2021 look like for you?

2021 looks like a year of working on myself. I’m going to keep grinding on my acting, hopefully landing a role in a good series or movie. I’m also going to keep modeling and work on building my book some more. While doing this I’m going to stay active with working out, going on runs and reading. Definitely a lot of working on myself.

Talent Sam Dezz @sam.dezz
Interview by Alexandra Bonnet @alexbonnetwrites