Hair loss has become a prominent and growing problem in recent years. Several external and biological factors contribute to it, and many companies promise miracle cures. You might be wondering whether the drug store products that guarantee freedom from hair loss are worth it or if they just add to the problem. If you find yourself unable to trust a solution, consider these natural remedies for hair loss instead. Using them is easy, and the products are widely available, making them cost-effective in improving the quality of your hair. 

Massaging for Enhanced Hair Growth

Regularly massaging your hair with any type of oil can prove to be beneficial for your hair. It stimulates your scalp and improves thickness. Research suggests that massaging your scalp improves blood flow and stretches the dermal papilla cells in your follicle, allowing your hair to regrow. Other than improving the condition of your hair, massaging can also help you relax and relieve tension. 

When massaging your scalp, use your fingertips rather than your fingernails. Apply slight pressure and let your fingers massage your scalp in a circular motion, drawing small circles. The length of the massage is up to you, but four minutes daily is sufficient for your required results. The following natural products will yield the best results:

  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has fatty acids that invade your hair shaft, reducing protein loss. It also aids in improving your scalp’s microbiome, making your hair follicles less likely to break away. Using coconut oil is very straightforward. All you have to do is massage it into your scalp. It is sufficient to leave this oil in for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off. If your hair is overly dry, you can consider leaving it overnight. 

  1. Rosemary Oil

You can also use rosemary oil for hair growth. It is an essential oil that you can use to treat illnesses such as androgenetic alopecia, as it promotes new hair growth. One method of using rosemary oil in your hair care routine is mixing a few drops of the oil with argan or jojoba oil and massaging it into your scalp. Then after some time, you should rinse it out. You do not need to repeat the process daily, but you should go through it often. Another way is to directly mix the rosemary drops in your shampoo or conditioner daily. 

  1. Onion Juice 

If you can bear the smell of onion juice, you’ll find it one of the most effective treatments for hair damage. Onion juice improves blood circulation in the scalp and enhances the keratinocyte growth factor. To use onion juice for hair development, you need to extract their juice by blending and squeezing. Then apply it to your hair for 15 minutes and thoroughly wash with shampoo. You might find removing the smell of onions troublesome, so wash deeply and use a scented conditioner afterward. 

Natural remedies are a great option to counter hair loss, especially if you have sensitive hair or skin. If you find yourself buying processed hair products, it is always a good idea to go through the ingredients before purchasing them. It is important to remember that hair loss is not necessarily an illness but can be a symptom of many severe conditions. If you find your efforts futile in eradicating hair loss, you should promptly consult a doctor.