Kaila Methven, whom is fondly address by many as Madame is more than a Madame herself. Known to many due to her background as a heiress, Kaila has taken her platform to higher levels. From being an entrepreneur, fashion designer, philanthropist and socialite, Kaila has introduced a new association giving her a new jewel to her crown: being a LGBT alley and activist.
To begin, please tell Bello readers who Kaila Methven is. Your title as heiress to the KFC Brand, fashion designer, international cover girl and more. 

Thank you so much for the lovely introduction. You know as much as people label me as the KFC heiress there is much more depth to me that meets the eye. At the end of the day, I consider myself an artist more than anything else. My true real passion in life is making people fall in love again through my lingerie. When I grew up in Paris, I studied the art and techniques of fashion and grew a real connection with lingerie and the way it transformed a women’s confidence and sensuality for herself. Ever since I’ve graduated with my MBA, I’ve mastered dozens of collections over the years making women worldwide and Madame Methven worldwide in today’s world.

You’ve traveled all over the world. Where is your favorite place to be / specific reason for it?

I’ve seen many beautiful places and many beautiful cultures. I’ve encountered 100’s of beautiful people and minds worldwide and it’s very difficult to pin-point any specific place. So i’m going to pin-point a significant place that has emotional meaning to me based on my memories. The place in the world that has most meaning in my head that will hold a place in my soul forever, that carries on my creativity, that carries on me being a women, CEO, entrepreneur, is the place where I left my mother. The most Devine memories of my childhood who make me who I am today come from my mother Lisa Methven who passed away in Kahala, Hawaii in 2012. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

I have a typical work day like everyone else. I wake up, I drink my coffee, I prefer to take a bath and meditate for a little bit. It’s not a typical 9-5 job. Everyday is constantly different as I am juggling being both a busy CEO of www.madamemethven.com and an artist living in LA who runs a 24 hour a day business. 

How do you balance being a CEO, influencer, entrepreneur and model and more! 

I would have to say it’s like wearing a hat, it just depends on how you style it. Art is art. At the end of the day, I enjoy every single moment of it because I am able to tap into many different sides of myself creatively. It’s definitely a challenge but the reward is always the depth of the outcome and goal achieved.

What are some challenges that come with being the CEO of your own company? 

You give up a lot of your personal time and privacy as a busy CEO. My business is 100% female owned by me and I am driven to make it inspire other women to be successful to go after there dreams.

Tell us about your lingerie brand, Madame Methven. Where do you find inspiration? In fashion designing? 

The Madame Methven brand is made with my inspiration of daring people to fall in love again. I love a good love story and mixing and matching my artistic style with erotic fantasies. Women are sexually repressed in America and it’s my goal to inspire them to step into their desires through wearing my brand. I started out as a costume designer and one of the first garments I ever made was a stunning blue Jacket during my internship for John Galliano in college. This design is featured in the music video Lady Gaga – Telephone ft. Beyoncé & worn by Beyonce’ seen here https://youtu.be/EVBsypHzF3U. I then decided to make theatrical lingerie.

What made you want to begin with lingerie?

At the age of 14, I noticed I could draw quite well and I would sketch dresses and fashion just for fun. This passion grew into a college degree and MBA in the field and now my own company www.madamemethven.com.

What are your goals for the future regarding your lingerie line? 

I’m currently launching a very Innovative – Creative – Methodic – Exotic & Erotic EDM RAVE WEAR collection & festival attire for wholesale distribution called Madame Special K! Look out for me at all the latest festivals including all the fashion events at Coachella, Insomniac Events & Europe’s party scene! This collection includes contemporary priced intimate, swim, couture and a sequin collection!

You come across as someone who wants to take on new challenges every day. Upon releasing and completing the launch of your lingerie lines, what is next for you? 

What’s next for me is a celebrity slots app and a charity foundation for the LGBTQ+ community I’m founding. 

If you could give advice to your sixteen year old self, what would you tell her? 

I would tell my 16 year old self, “Don’t worry Kaila, God won’t give you anything you can’t handle.”