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BOO! Halloween is around the corner and the spooky vibe is ON! Starring as the lead in USA & Syfy’s new series CHUCKY, Zack Arthur has got us hyped up and ready to get spooky! Still making sure it wasn’t all just a dream, the actor had an amazing on set filming with the cast and crew. Having worked hard to make sure he captured his character, “Jake,” in a way that would allow the audience to truly connect to him, Zack is ready for the world to finally get to watch the show! Zack Arthur brings honesty, talent, and positive energy to the table, leading him on a true uphill climb! Woo!

How did you feel when you got the lead role in CHUCKY? 

It is so crazy and cool. It was surreal. Getting to work with Don Mancini and the Chucky family is incredible. I still almost can’t believe it’s real.

What kind of preparation and research did you do for the role? 

I talked to Don a lot about his vision for Jake and the show. My acting coach and I worked on every episode before each one started filming. I would read everything and then would talk to Don and incorporate his ideas into my own version of who Jake is as a character. I hope everyone likes Jake. I would be friends with him and he is a really good character with a lot of heart.

Share with us what you were most excited about prior to shooting. 

Working with Don and all of the legendary cast members. Also, getting to work with other teens and the crew.

What you were most nervous about?

Just making sure that I represented Jake in a way in which everyone would feel connected to the character, have empathy towards him, and relate to him.

What do you believe this version of CHUCKY brings to the table compared to other ones? 

It brings back everyone in the original Mancini franchise and adds new characters that connect the series through time. It also deals with a lot of issues we are facing in the world right now and hopefully will help people if they feel misunderstood like Jake does.

Any scene in particular that stands out to you? Why? 

There are so many. I don’t want to give always any cool things. But I will say, Chucky looks real and you forget he’s not because his expressions are very authentic. Those eyes – he’s so creepy and cool at the same time.

Growing up, did you always know you wanted to act? 

Yes. I started at age six and haven’t stopped. I will always bring my best effort towards performing and hope that people like my work. I really love my job.

Tell us more about what lead you to today. 

Studying acting without breaks and working as hard as I can for every audition. Also, just being a normal 15 year old. Meeting new people on set and getting to know everyone is really fun. I like to learn things from the crew and what they do to make this art form come to life for the fans. Did I mention how awesome the Chucky fans are? They are incredible.

Share with us your biggest fear.

Being asked this question.

Have you ever had to face it? 

Just now, for the very first time.

If so, how did you overcome it? 

In all seriousness, I have to face fears every day. I talk to my family and friends about things, and they are here for me. I feel the fear and then make a decision to walk through it. Sometimes that is really hard to do. It takes time.

What is next for you? 

I was in a film called “Jill,” but since it was 3 years ago I look like a little kid. We filmed in Switzerland and the cast was really cool!

I’m auditioning for things now, but hoping for a season 2 for Chucky. Right now I’m really busy with publicity for Chucky. I really love this show.

Talent Zack Arthur @1zackaryarthur
Photographer Monroe Alvarez @dontbeafool
Stylist Adam Ballheim @theadamballheim
Groomer Jamie Taylor @jamie_taylor
Interview Alexandra Bonnet @alexbonnetwrites