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The first time I watched Emma Norton’s TikTok, I was STUNNED. The way she transformed herself with makeup is incredible!!! Truly talented and unique. Having started her internet career at the beginning of the pandemic, just like many, she was looking for a creative way to pass the time. Having always been a huge fan of special effects makeup, Emma taught herself how to do so making it all the more impressive! Hoping to expand her platform past TikTok, Emma Norton is slaying her way into the new year!

Share with us the first TikTok you ever made. How have you grown since then?

During the pandemic in early 2020, like so many others I was looking for a creative outlet to help me pass the time. My first TikTok was a video of me singing a completely made-up song about my mom. It was so chaotic and mindless…but that was the fun part about it! The video generated much more attention than I would’ve ever expected. From that point forward, I progressed and changed my content into a range including cosplay, acting, comedy, dancing, and more. The sky has been the limit!

In the beginning, what was most important to you when releasing content? 

I dabbled in a few trends in the beginning because I was determined to put my original spin on my videos. I wasn’t sure whether my original ideas would attract an audience. Without risk, there’s no reward. So I was kind of shocked when my first several posts received a healthy number of likes, positive comments, and new followers. Statistics aside, what’s always most important is my own satisfaction with the creativity and the execution of my ideas.

Where did you learn to do special effects makeup? Any advice for aspiring makeup artists? 

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. During middle school, I started to dabble a bit more with makeup. TikTok gave me permission to do more makeup every day. But honestly, I am self-taught through a lot of trial and error. I think it is so cool to have one’s appearance entirely change using makeup.

My advice is to figure out what makes you unique and focus on balancing your own style with moving outside your comfort zone. If those two can co-exist with some balance, then you are on your way! Be patient while you are learning and experimenting, and never let your mistakes deter you from continuing to push yourself.

Where do you get your inspiration from the most? 

I really admire the many talented creators on TikTok and other platforms. Of course, characters from stories, films, and pop culture are great sources of inspiration. I’d have to say my #1 go-to for inspiration is my own imagination! Cooking up content ideas has never been an issue. My challenge is making decisions on which ideas to execute next!

Growing up, how did you choose to express yourself? 

When I was about nine, I decided to channel my inner competitive fire into becoming a triple threat on stage, and eventually film and TV. I always attended schools with strong arts programs, performed in Denver musical theater productions, and took a lot of film and TV acting classes in Denver and Los Angeles. For some reason, I’ve never had stage fright. In fact, nothing makes me more excited than performing for an audience.

In your family, what role did you play? 

I’m the youngest of two sisters by seven years. My family would tell you that I was always the entertainer—singing and dancing for family members and neighbors. My extended family, friends, even old babysitters would come to every one of my stage performances. I sang the National Anthem at numerous events when I was pretty little. I’m so lucky that my family and so many friends have been incredibly supportive!

What is your favorite part about creating? What relationships have you built because of what you do? 

One of my favorite aspects of being a creator is the sense of community I’ve developed, both in Los Angeles and worldwide. I really enjoy opportunities to collaborate with other talented creators. I’ve developed relationships with several brands that mean a lot to me, and I feel immense gratitude for the opportunities that I have had.

Also, one of the greatest benefits of creating a strong platform are the opportunities to give back and bring attention to incredible social causes. Two of my favorites are Lollipop Theater and the Thirst Project located here in LA. I look forward to working with both organizations more in 2022.

Where do you see yourself going next? 

Great question! My #1 passion has always been acting and performing, so the goal is to eventually expand beyond my main platform on TikTok. So I hope your readers will see more of me in that context in 2022. I’ll also admit to having a dream of launching my own makeup and fashion lines someday.

Talent Emma Norton @emmanorts
Photography Jay Riv @jayrivphoto
Interview Alexandra Bonnet @alexbonnetwrites