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It’s absolutely amazing seeing the different talents emerge across the country and world as they bring new styles, unique voices, open hearts, and more. Here at BELLO, we are all about supporting talent from all over and are excited to share with you Gabriella Marinaro, an exceptional singer and beautiful soul who is soon releasing her EP, INNER SPACE on May 6th 2022! Bright souls that inspire us all, keep reading on to discover more from our BELLO WATCH!

Gabriella Marinaro

Define music in your own words.

Moody, powerful, and haunting.

Did music play a big role in helping you become who you are today? Explain. 

Absolutely. I started singing in 5th grade and was a part of various choirs until I graduated high school. Music brought me structure and creativity.  It has always been a constant in my life and has made me stronger. I feel music has always understood me the most and been there when I couldn’t find the words to express myself.

What do you believe your purpose is as an artist (other than releasing new music)? 

To connect with people and help them on their journey. To use your voice authentically and give power to people’s emotions. I want to make music that people feel comfortable enough to scream and cry in their car to, or to play when they’re happy and in love. Whatever the situation, I want to help that emotion flow.

Do you believe you have found your own purpose in life? Explain. 

That is a big question. I think existing in the world is hard enough. I know what makes me happy and what I want out of this life. Making music feels right, music is inside of me. I have a message to share and it’s pouring out of me so I guess you could say making music is my “purpose”.

Growing up, what was your favorite thing to do as kid? How has that evolved? 

I loved meals with my family and adding new songs to me repertoire. After routine music lesson warmups, learning about a new artist and interpreting their song was also what excited me most. Also, weird oddity and vintage shopping.

What role would you say you play in your family? 

The dutiful glue. I bring my family together and “try” to keep the peace.

If you could sit down with any artist (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

These questions hurt me inside because I find it difficult to choose one artist. I always go with the dead because I hope to meet my idols that are still alive. Dalida. She had such an amazing career filled with so much sorrow. She had, in my opinion, one of the most stunning voices to ever grace this Earth. I want to know more of her pain and happiness and heartache.

Tell us more about your upcoming projects!

I am releasing my debut EP, INNER SPACE, on May 6th. This EP closes a memorable chapter in my life and reflects the many shades of my struggles returning to Los Angeles after living in Rome, my depression and how it was reflected in my relationships. I worked with an amazing producer Stefan Skarbek and am so happy to have my first project out in the world!

How would you define success?

There are so many things I want to do and to achieve! I can’t help but feel that after every milestone or accomplished goal I will always want to achieve more. I want it all and I am extremely motivated.  With that being said, you can have it all and still be unhappy. If you aren’t happy then what is the point of having it all! In short, success for me is being truly happy and living comfortably off of my music career and creative endeavors.

Any message for our readers?

Life feels so stressful and we constantly compare others with the little device in our hands. Learn to love yourself and to ask for help… two things I am still learning to do daily. If you are struggling with your mental health and want to make a change, take baby steps. Maybe it’s skipping a weekend of going out so you can read a book and write in the park. Instead of going to dinner take an art class, or cook at home. If you can’t do it today, try tomorrow (or the next day).  If you are unhappy, try and change your routine/habits.  I wasted so much time being comfortable with my depression and continuing bad habits that it only made me worse.

Talent Gabriella Marinaro @gabsxriella
Photography by @averagecowgirl
Interview by Alexandra Bonnet @bonnetalex18 @alexbonnetwrites