Just short of 20 million followers on Instagram, Tessa Brooks has lived her life in front of our eyes. With early beginnings in front of the camera on YouTube, to Babylon’s premiere event and this year’s red carpet at the Grammys, the Fresno, CA native is sure to continue to entertain audiences in many ways possible. For many, she is an entertainer. But for younger audiences with a strive to be famous, I am sure she is what keeps the Hollywood fantasy alive. With enough charisma, talent, and a drive that rivals Beyonce, anyone can pursue a career in entertainment. I am sure there is so much more we will see from Tessa Brooks in her current Jordan Year. Check out what she has to say below.
Tell us about your dance history. How old were you when you started dancing?
I was in dance classes since I was 2 because both my mom and grandma taught dancing and my sisters danced as well. I started taking is super seriously around 13/14 and did it professionally til I was 17. Now it’s more of just a passion and hobby of mine but it’ll always be my first love for sure.
Was dancing always a passion of yours? And how did it pivot into something else? Dancing has definitely always been a huge passion of mine. I’ve always been someone who wanted to try and do everything. Every sport, every hobby, everything. I started doing acting lessons off and on since I was 12 and always loved preforming so creating content became naturally and is super fun for me as well. I even started taking singing lessons about two years ago just to see if I could do it since I love being on stage and all of that. For now I’ve decided it’s not for me because I think there’s other things I excel at more, but the lessons are fun and I think it’s important to have those outlets and hobbies.
Besides dancing, what are some of your other passions?
Anything that sparks my mind creatively. I’m more into fashion right now than I ever have been before and it’s been a fun way of expressing myself and getting creative again. Acting is something I’d love to start doing more of as well.
When you face adversity/a problem how do you typically handle it?
It depends on the circumstances and if it’s out of my control or not.
What is your favorite quote/motto to live by?
Live & let live
What is the best/most memorable experience you’ve had so far in your life?
Well, I am answering this while extremely hungry, so right now I would have to say the Burrata I had in Italy
Role models can change throughout life. Who was your biggest role model when you started your career? What about now?
This has always been hard question for me to answer because there is not just one person… I admire parts of many different people, and whenever I see something I like in a person, I try to be more like them. If I had to choose one person, I would say I love Ashton Kutcher because I love him not only as an actor, but as a philanthropist. I really admire his philanthropic work.
Give us two truths and a lie, and hopefully, our readers will figure out which is the lie.
- I don’t like avocado
- My first job was working at an ice cream shop
- I won a surfing competition when I was 12 by doing a headstand on the surfboard
If you could go back in time to your younger self, what piece of advice would you give her?
Be kind to yourself.
Bello is a fashion and lifestyle magazine. If you could choose, what would be your perfect day and how would you describe your fashion style?
My perfect day would be spending time with my closest friends and family, in comfy sweats, maybe watching a movie and eating yummy food together. My fashion style ranges so much depending on my mood. I have two sides: the Ultra Femme — when I feel sexy and sultry. Feminine, flower, soft. And then sometimes I hone in on the masculine side: where I am most comfortable and androgynous. Baggy pants, buttoned up / boxy tops… That’s my power suit.
Is anything exciting coming in 2023?
Tons! This is going to be my “Jordan year” for sure. I’m working with some incredible people, we’re refocusing and re-prioritizing some goals and timelines… I have some acting projects in the works, I am exploring my love for fashion, and continuing to curate, create, deliver content daily in many different ways.

Tessa Brooks Covers BELLO Style February 2023 Vº01
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Interview Ed Solorzano @edolo87