Curly hair can be gorgeous. You have an unlimited amount of hairstyling options, full locks, and a love-hate relationship with your hairbrush that will last a lifetime.

Fortunately, more often than not, you will get compliments on the hairdo of your choice when it comes to curly hair. However, keeping your curly hair healthy and happy can be challenging, considering its curly, twirly, and sometimes misleading nature.

So, you need to be proactive in keeping your curls healthy, happy, bouncy, and vivacious. Here are some of the best healthy hair tips for curly hair:

Get Your Hair Trimmed Regularly

Getting your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks if you have curly hair is essential to maintaining your hair’s health and continued growth. Regular trims also keep your hair manageable and easier to style.

Without regular trims, your hair will easily get split ends, leading to getting frizzy, increasing the number of bad hair days significantly.

Moisturize Your Hair

When you have curly hair, you need to use a natural hair moisturizer to keep it from getting dry. Such moisturizers keep your hair frizz-free and shiny without adding unwanted chemicals to your everyday routine.

T-Shirt Dry Your Hair

The more hair you have, the harder it is to dry. Unfortunately, anyone with curly hair has learned this quickly. Moreover, the longer it takes your hair to dry with conventional bath towels, the frizzier it can become. Curly hair is fickle, and sometimes, trying to figure out a repeatable drying strategy can be frustrating.

However, you can greatly reduce the frizziness in your hair if you remove the moisture with a t-shirt.


Regular towels create friction in your hair that increases frizz, while t-shirt material or microfiber towels do not produce much friction. Sure, you still don’t want to be rough with your hair, but you will get much more desirable results if you dry your hair gently with a t-shirt or a microfiber towel.

Set It and Forget It

When it comes to preserving your hairdo for as long as possible, you want to keep your hands away. Admittedly, combing your hands through your hair or twirling your curls throughout the day can be a hard habit to break. However, if you are looking to preserve the dignity of your hairstyle and keep your hair as healthy as possible, you need to make an effort to leave your hair alone.

Touching your hair throughout the day is a double-edged sword, depending on your body. Sometimes, the natural oils on your hands can make your hair look greasy. However, if your hair is prone to dryness, your hands can also pull moisture off your hair to make your hair dry and brittle.

Plus, your hands are full of germs and dirt transferred to your hair every time you touch it. So, for these reasons and more, after you style your hair for the day, set it and forget it.

Give your Conditioner Time to Work Its Magic

When you have curly hair, your daily hair regimen is long enough, right? However, instead of rushing through your shampoo and (especially) conditioner ritual, you should give the products the time to work completely.

Yes, that does mean that you will need to spend more time in the shower, but by keeping your shampoo and conditioner in your hair for a few minutes, you will be doing wonders for your hair. Keeping conditioner in your hair, especially before rinsing it out, means you will have fewer knots, and your hair will be shiner.

Additionally, having fewer knots may mean that you also need to spend less time styling your hair after getting out of the shower. Either way, it will be less painful.

Your Hair is as Healthy as What You Eat

What you choose to eat affects everything in your body. If you choose a good diet, getting all your essential nutrients, you will notice a difference in your hair’s shine, strength, and overall appearance.

Some essential hair health vitamins and minerals include omega-three fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron, and zinc. Of course, if you have difficulty including them in your daily food source, you should consider taking a supplement that provides you with them.

In summation, people with curly hair need to do everything they can to keep their hair healthy. While having healthy hair means better hair days, it also means preserving the strength and integrity of your hair for longer. Fortunately, by implementing these healthy hair tips for curly hair, you will notice an almost immediate difference in the health and look of your hair.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels