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Kicking off her career with what is deemed “not a light role” in JINN, Zoë Renee always knew she wanted to tell stories that are layered and real. Despite how intimidating the project seemed, the actress did not shy away! Her acting career is kicking into high gear and you will be hearing a lot more of Zoë Renee as she continues to showcase her talent, dedication, and passion! She reminds us to keep going no matter how scary something can be as you never know what is waiting for you on the other side of that door!

Your breakout role in JINN was not a “light role.” What pushed you to want to be part of such a project in the beginning of your career?

I’ve always wanted to tell stories that reminded me of the people I know and grew up with. Stories that are layered and real. Jinn was intimidating but I didn’t want to run from anything that was so closely aligned with my ultimate dream. It was such a magical experience.

Do you feel as though it was challenging or allowed you to drive into acting fully right off the bat? 

I was nervous. I think imposter syndrome definitely set in and still does, but when stories like that come along, I think the urge to jump into that world always beats the fear.

What did you learn about yourself through this role?

Giving myself permission to be present and sink into each moment is just as valuable as my preparation.

You now have two upcoming projects. Congratulations! Let’s talk about your experience on set of Master. Why a thriller? 

Thank you! I knew Master would be a completely new experience for me, it was a departure from anything I’ve worked on. That in its self-made the process so exciting.

Working with such an amazing cast, what were you most nervous about? excited about? 

Meeting Regina for the first time! I anticipated that moment for months and planned out what I would say. I was so set on making the best first impression. Our first-time speaking was in the lobby of our hotel while I was in pajamas, but she was so sweet. Better than I dreamed of!

 Top 3 advice you would give to anyone wanting to get into the entertainment industry.

Be a student, I catch myself saying this so much. Find different times of the day to study the field you’re passionate about, and if you can find people that you can study under, cling to them!

The entertainment industry focuses on pure talent as they should, but In my opinion, having a healthy obsession for the craft is the factor that keeps you aligned with a ton of growth.

Help your friends create the things that excite them. Put time and energy into creating worlds with your closest creative friends. The things you make will be with you forever. The investment is well worth it.

What does fear mean to you?

Fear to me is the absence of safety both physically and emotionally.

Can you tell us more about your Disney + project Chang Can Duck? What can fans expect? 

You can expect a really sweet film for the whole family! A little love and a little basketball. It’s gonna be really cute!

Something most people do not know about you. 

I have a club (membership only).
