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“Waiting for the Light”

Jillian Jacqueline and her team put together a beautiful story about a girl who needs to “escape” as she is stuck inside. Every sequence is a different daydream this young girl has put together. Tied in with the concept, Jacqueline has also written “Wait For the Light”… in a week! Showcasing love and passion, the talented singer brings beauty and grace. Make sure to take a look at the story and find yourself immersed in a whole new world!


By Alexandra Bonnet 
In what ways do you believe “Wait for the Light” stands out? What inspired you to write it?
I wanted to write something uniquely classic that I hadn’t heard in the current mainstream music coming out today. I was so inspired by the thought of creating something that felt as timeless as “What A Wonderful World”. A song for any time, place or person. To me, this song feels like a simple and beautiful love letter to the world, and there’s something so innocent about the lyrics that feels interesting to me.
The song was written and recorded in one week. What were some challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?
Well, we didn’t have the luxury of hiring players and booking time at a recording studio, as no one was able to be working in person. So- we got scrappy and ended up recording everything at my house. It wasn’t ideal but I think it just even more represents the nature of the time we are living in, and how the importance of making music right now far outweighs the obstacles.
Share with us what it was like releasing a song so quickly.
In a nutshell, I had to let go of any expectations for a “release plan” since I decided to put the song out in less than 3 weeks after writing it… with little time to plan ahead and lay groundwork, my management and I knew we had to trust and work with the opportunities for exposure that were available in such a short amount of time. However, from a psychological standpoint, it was really a great learning lesson for me in allowing the process of creating something and releasing it to be free of anxiety, ego, or control. I knew that the song was special, so the release was less about me and more about the message being shared with as many people as possible.
What has music always meant to you?
Music to me has always meant intimate connection, comfort, and joy. When I hear a song from someone that makes me feel understood, it’s such a powerful feeling. When I get to write and perform a song that someone then tells me makes them feel that same way, I‘m at my highest capacity for fulfillment and joy.
In what ways do you interact with your fans? Do they play a part in creating new music?
My fans and I are in constant communication on Instagram and Twitter. I consider them my friends and we converse about everything. They feel free to share with me about their lives and I do the same. I recently got to include them in a video project for “Wait For The Light” and was overwhelmed with the incredible artwork, videos, and photos they sent in. I also started something a while back called “Things I Enjoy” where I shared a list every month or so and they all started posting their own lists. It was such a cool way for us all to share something positive and show our personalities a bit more. As for new music, when I play new songs live, I always take in to account their reactions and feedback. That has helped tremendously in figuring out what songs will be included on my album.
With everything going on, what are some new and  exciting things you have discovered about yourself? 
That I love to paint! I’m not technically very good but it’s very therapeutic. And I knew I was an introvert but I had no idea I’d be this good at staying home so much.
In what ways do you believe everyone can benefit from our new “situation.”
It’s a fast-paced world … I think there is a social shift happening where we are all realizing that we started running on this hamster wheel from a young age and it becomes normal to go go go, but when we keep ourselves so insanely busy to fit in to the chaotic environment around us, we’re often tuning out and neglecting a need for reflection, healing, and growth within. And what we ignore within often manifests on the outside in our daily behavior, physical and mental heath, and attitude towards others. So, I think this new situation is giving us much needed time to slow down.
What is an inspiring quote or motto you carry with you every day?
It might not be necessarily inspiring but it’s a quote I carry with me as a necessary reminder: “Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now … because you would not be able to live them. The point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
Who has been your biggest support in life?
My parents and my sisters have constantly believed in me and encouraged me every step of my career. And now, my husband is my biggest supporter and cheerleader. He has walked me through the toughest valleys and pushes me to keep reaching for the mountaintops.

How has it been going working with Kobalt Music? What is your favorite part about having signed with them?
These first couple months have been incredible and exciting. I love the team and I love what they stand for. So far, my favorite part of signing with them has been the amount of passion I feel from them for my songs. And probably, popping a bottle of champagne together over Zoom for my “signing celebration”.
What can fans expect next?
My full length album. I’ve never worked so hard on anything I’ve ever done. I’m overwhelmed with the anticipation to share these songs.


Talent Jillian Jacqueline @jillianjacqueline

Photography + Creative Direction Alex Ferarri @alexmferrari

Stylist + Creative Direction Krista Roser @kristaroser

Art Director + Creative Direction Colson Horton @and.delight.reigned

Hair + Makeup Brittney Head @bheadabe

Photo Editor Ian Saunders @ian_saunders_photography

Stylist Assistant Claire Johnson @Clair3johnson

Photo Assistant Matt Ferrari @matt_ferrari

Art Assistant Khaki Stanford @relaxed_fit_khakis

Art PA Callie Labro @callie.labro

Glam Assistant Kris Miller @krismillerartistry



Location Bloomsbury Farms @bloomsburyfarm @bloomsburyfarmevents

Champagne Campo Viejo Wine @campoviejousa

Cosmetics Bobbi Brown @bobbibrown  Boss(y) @bossylipstick Rituel de Fille @ritueldefille