At just seventeen years old, Aubrey Miller has already made a splash with her acting career, starring in the Amazon series Just Add Magic, which just released its third and final season. Miller has also recently established her music career, releasing a new single and music video, “Crossing My Heart,” just last month. We got to sit down with Miller to ask her about the new magical experiences she’s had so far this year.
Q: You are starting off the year with a bang – with a new single, music video and season of Amazon’s Just Add Magic. What are you most looking forward to in 2019?
 A: I am definitely looking forward to booking another show or movie. I am also looking forward to releasing another original song and EP. “Crossing My Heart” was a fun way to start off the year! 
The release of Just Add Magic, season 3, was another fun way to get this year going. The fans find this season to be their favorite.
I look forward to each new opportunity ahead. I take one day at a time and trust in God’s plans, always.
Q: Tell us about your new pop love single “Crossing My Heart.”
A: My new single, “Crossing My Heart,” is about an innocent crush story. I keep crossing paths with a guy I admire, but we never get to quite meet. Does he even know who I am!? “Is it written in the stars….” This story will continue in my next single. Let’s see what happens.
Q: What was the writing and recording process like to create this single?
A: It started with a sequence of events that I thought would be fun to put into a song. I sat down with my amazing music producer, Alex Cantrell, and together we wrote the song. In the studio, I freestyled different melodies. Once we found what we liked, we brought it all together, creating “Crossing My Heart.”
Q: What inspired you to weave Korean lyrics into the single? Do you speak the language fluently?
A: I have grown to love Korean entertainment and their culture. When I started getting more familiar with it, I wanted to be able to understand the meaning behind the music and shows. I wanted to also be able to communicate with my many fans from the country. In K-Pop, you often find them singing a line in English, so I thought it would be fun for me to sing a line in Korean in my single. I’m not fluent yet, but I can carry a basic conversation. I’m still working on it.
Q: Tell us about the dance music video you created for “Crossing My Heart.” Who was involved and what is the story behind it?
A: I knew I wanted an incredible team surrounding the making of my music video, so I reached out to the incredible Kevin Nguyen, who was a dancer in Taehyung’s solo routine Singularity, and his brilliant wife Dea Nguyen, along with the amazing creative videography team, Vibrancy. Once I gathered my team, I needed to add in some accomplished dancers to make my MV complete. My dancers were Saryna Garcia, Jadyn Hernandez, and Sheaden Gabriel. I’m grateful to have had them as part of this project as well. In my next single, will we come closer to revealing the guy who I keep crossing paths with? Stay tuned! 
Q: The latest season of Just Add Magic premieres February 1, what are you most excited for fans to see? 
A: I’m excited for fans to see how this seasons storyline plays out. It’s a little different than our past seasons and I think it’s worth taking this season slow. The last three episodes are emotional. Hannah’s tears were real. Watch and find out why Hannah and all her fans were weeping.
Q: What is your best on-set memory from filming this season of Just Add Magic?
A: My best on-set memory would have to be all the laughing and jokes I had with my co-stars, Olivia and Abby. When you spend every day together for 5 years, you develop a lot of wonderful memories. I also treasure the time spent working with the rest of our cast as well. They were all special. 

Q: What is the best advice you’ve ever received for creating a career at a young age that you can pass on to others?

A: There’s no such thing as rejection. Every audition is a wonderful opportunity to perform, and everything happens for a reason. Also, never sacrifice your morals. Stay true to who you are.